Prostitution Laws in New York

With the recent publicity surrounding the so-called “Mommy Madam” case, there has been much attention brought to existing prostitution laws in New York State. In the past few years, New York tabloids have also followed the Eliot Spitzer and Lawrence Taylor scandals.  It is the height of irony that back in 2007, Governor Spitzer himself…


The John P.Cohalan Court Complex

The John P.Cohalan Court Complex, located at 400 Carleton Avenue in Central Islip, houses the Suffolk County District Court, The Suffolk County Family Court, and parts of the Suffolk County Supreme and County Courts. Construction of the complex was completed in 1992. It was named for John P.Cohalan Jr., former Justice of The New York…


SAT Cheating Soon To Be A Felony?

Cheating on the SAT may soon be a felony in New York, if State Senator Kenneth LaValle gets his way. His bill would create the new felonies of facilitation of education testing fraud and of scheming to defraud educational testing. The proposed legislation would also create the misdemeanor of forgery of a test. This bill…


Nassau County Veterans Court

The Nassau County Veterans Court was established in November of 2011 to give eligible defendants the opportunity to receive treatment and counseling rather than go to jail for their crimes. The Court is located in the Nassau County District Court House at 99 Main Street, Hempstead. At the opening ceremonies  for this new court, Administrative…
